If you purchased an In Stock Item, your item may take 1-2 weeks to ship. Delivery times vary based on USPS.
If you purchased a Pre-Order Item you must be aware that this item needs to go through the process of manufacturing/printing before being able to be shipped. Pre-Orders are products in our store that have not yet been created and production time can vary depending on the amount of orders that we receive during our "pre-order run". Essentially it is the same as "crowdfunding" but at a smaller scale. You purchase your own "spot" to receive this item once it is released. Pre-orders may take up 30-45 days to manufacture and ship.
Our policy lasts 30 days after delivery. If 30 days have gone by since your delivery, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or exchange. Refunds are only offered if your item is damaged or defective, otherwise all sales are final.
If you want to cancel your order, whether it be a pre-order or stock item, you must do so within 72 business hours (3 business days) after purchasing via email, otherwise all sales are final.
Several types of goods are exempt from being returned. Perishable goods such as food, flowers, newspapers or magazines cannot be returned. We also do not accept products that are intimate or sanitary goods, hazardous materials, or flammable liquids or gases.
If you purchased an In Stock Item, your item may take 1-2 weeks to ship. Delivery times vary based on USPS.
If you purchased a Pre-Order Item you must be aware that this item needs to go through the process of manufacturing/printing before being able to be shipped. Pre-Orders are products in our store that have not yet been created and production time can vary depending on the amount of orders that we receive during our "pre-order run". Essentially it is the same as "crowdfunding" but at a smaller scale. You purchase your own "spot" to receive this item once it is released. Pre-orders may take up 30-45 days to manufacture and ship.
Our policy lasts 30 days after delivery. If 30 days have gone by since your delivery, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or exchange. Refunds are only offered if your item is damaged or defective, otherwise all sales are final.
If you want to cancel your order, whether it be a pre-order or stock item, you must do so within 72 business hours (3 business days) after purchasing via email, otherwise all sales are final.
Several types of goods are exempt from being returned. Perishable goods such as food, flowers, newspapers or magazines cannot be returned. We also do not accept products that are intimate or sanitary goods, hazardous materials, or flammable liquids or gases.